Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Favorite Pizza Outing

Some choice members from the NYFF posse will be having a dinner outing tomorrow night (8/27) at Totonno's to try out the Pizza most voted upon based on the poll results you see on the right-hand side.  A follow-up post summing up our experience will be forthcoming so hang tight!

Updated 8/30/10
Amongst the 7 of us, we ordered the following large pies:
- White Pie with Spinach & Extra Garlic
- Large Margherita - Half Onion / Half Regular
- Large Margherita with Mushrooms & Extra Garlic

With all the garlic we inhaled we should have put out a forest fire or something.  The pizza was good and came out fresh.  I won't speak for group consensus but here are my thoughts:

- All ingredients were fresh and not canned
- Turn-around time was quick
- Usually when I've ordered extra garlic they will just use powder, here it was freshly crushed from the bulb
- Mushroom Pie was my favorite
- I had 5 slices so you could say it didn't taste bad to me

- Location looked like a Ground Round
- Nothing particularly special/defining based on the taste of the pizza
- Wanted some more cheese
- White Pie's spinach was a little...  sad.  I'm trying to find another word but sad is what comes to mind 

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