Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Favorite Kosher Deli!

Delicatessens are the fabric of New York.  You can go to any part of this country and associate Deli Food's authenticity with Manhattan.  From the 1860's, when the immigration boost was on the rise, many ethnicities poured into Manhattan with many jewish families setting up tenements in the Lower East Side.  Amongst the tens of thousands, there was a Russian Immigrant who opened up a delicatessen based upon his last name in 1888 on Houston St. and Ludlow St.  The place - Katz's Delicatessen. 

You know, you might think my opinion of why this is my favorite is because of the last name.  That's only partially true.  The main reason has to be because of the pastrami, corned beef, "sending a salami to your boy in the army", the unique tickets used as your bill, the crazy raucous to get your food, the oversize portions of everything, where harry met sally, the endless pictures of famous and sorta-famous people on the walls and the pickles.  Let it be known that Katz's isn't considered Kosher by the Halakha so we call this Kosher-style.
Mmmmm Greasy Goodness
When you go, if you haven't been already (why wouldn't you have gone?), you have to get the Pastrami on Rye with their mustard.  It's soft, flavorful, humongous, greasy and amazing.  Sometimes I like to get Sauerkraut thrown in their too (kinda like a Reuben) - I live dangerously.  

So don't settle for imitations, you have to get the original.  The Pastrami at Katz's Delicatessen. 

Hot Pastrami Sandwich on Rye
Katz's Delicatessen
205 East Houston Street (cnr of Ludlow)

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